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“Katya's voice and presence are a lifeline to your deepest soul desires. I have had several sessions with her, and her words ring true every time. There is no judgement – just direct reflections and guidance that my spirit instantly recognizes as a deep knowing.

When a path is gently made clear, the choice becomes simple and loving rather than scary and daunting. When I have been at heart-breaking or confusing crossroads, I have always found comfort and clarity after our calls.

I consider Katya my ally on my spiritual path. She has helped me fluidly navigate very challenging situations in my journey. I'm so grateful and would recommend her guidance to anyone for any situation big or small!”

Summer M., Esthetician

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“One of the most knowledgeable Souls I have had the pleasure of connecting with! She is so delightful and genuine. Her kind heart and words of wisdom resonated within my Soul!

She responded to all that has been on my mind & heart throughout very troubling times. With her guidance, I had gained so much clarity that right after our session, all my anxiety vanished and a sense of lightness overtook me.

I’m so grateful to have had sessions with her.”

– Nadia L., Pilates Instructor

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“Katya’s readings feel like the most special sleepover party- cozy, safe and mischievous in the best way. She channels the spirit of true compassion and joy. She’s extremely talented in helping to calm anxieties and has helped to gently redirect me towards more flow, ease and bliss.”

Dr. Meg Zepfel, Chiropractor


“Katya is an incredibly clear and compassionate intuitive channel who I've regularly consulted for guidance around my art and business for years. I can honestly say that her channeling sessions were absolutely integral to bringing my Spirit Cats Deck and my Cosmic Allies Deck into the world. She is the real deal!”

Nicole Piar, Art Witch & Oracle Deck Creator

“I was feeling stuck in several areas of my life and it was a source of confusion and anxiety. You helped bring my attention to what really mattered to me in a way that was natural and resonated with my higher intentions. I have been able to trust more in my intuitions, and find the playfulness and synchronicity coming to me. Thank you for your service and I’m happy you will be making it more available.”

– Jas Su

"Thank you so so much for this amazing channeling! It was a delight receiving every little bit of it I feel so full of appreciation and am beaming you love! Thank you for translating and transmitting all this goodness to me!!! You are such a bright light!

I love how you went deep into the layers of my questions and then brought so much joy and ease to what had felt rather heavy and confusing to me before. I now have practical steps that light me up and I feel a huge relief, especially regarding the family-money dynamic and how I can work in harmony with my body and create new supportive habits for myself.

Listening to the recording felt like a warm embrace and like just through receiving the insight, new doors and possibilities have opened! Can't wait to re-listen and integrate more and more of this magic into the coming weeks and months!"

Ruth Jahn, Soul Portrait Artist

 “I resonated with everything you channeled for me and I really appreciate the wisdom imparted. I’m very grateful to have been guided to work with you. I’m still taking it all in, but I know its exactly what I needed right now and I can’t thank you enough.”

– C.N.

 “I have no idea how you do it, and that is the magic of it. Really clear channeling and presence. Balance of intuitive guidance and space for the individual to connect to their higher selves and heart. I love this unique and pure offering”

– Sarah Shutman

 “I had two channeling session with you and they were so beautiful and comforting and just really were so helpful to me. It was so sweet to experience your work and your energy and your connection to Spirit and how it works through you. It was beautiful and enchanting. You are a special creature!”

– Kelley, Holistic Wellness and Relationship and Intimacy Coach