
Intuitive Guidance

with Katya Rudneva

Come sit down with me for a moment and we will listen in for divine guidance from your Soul. Let us enter the mystery together and come back with a lighter heart and a clearer mind. I have been practicing this method of channeling personal intuitive insights for myself and many others for over 11 years with wonderful results. My practice is pro-science and pro-spirituality, and is deeply steeped in compassion.

I would love to share it with you, dear one.

“Katya responded to all that has been on my mind & heart throughout very troubling times...
After our session, all my anxiety vanished and a sense of lightness overtook me.”
~ Nadia L., Pilates Instructor

 A session can help you:

☾ Gain clarity and deep insight ☉

☾ Move beyond fears and old patterns ☉

☾ Make decisions from a place of trust ☉

☾ Feel more connected to yourself and your intuition ☉

☾ Receive practical steps to move forward in alignment with your Soul’s purpose ☉


“When I have been at heart-breaking or confusing crossroads,
I have always found comfort and clarity after our calls.”

~ Summer Murphy, Ritual Skincare Specialist


What a session IS:

I open up a channel, connecting to my Higher Self and, with your permission, to your Higher Self, then invite the guides and nature spirits I am working with. I also invite in guides that work with your specific areas of inquiry.

  • It is a practice of co-creating with your intuition.

  • It can illuminate your fears and bring healing.

  • Lighthearted and compassion-based, there are no wrong questions or judgements.


 What a session is NOT:

  • It is not my personal advice. I simply relay the guidance I receive without a personal stake in what comes through. I aim to be as neutral and clear a channel as possible.

  • It is not a prediction of the future. Future is not fixed, and your free will is everything.

  • It is not meant to override your intuition. You will know if what comes through really resonates with you. Even if it is uncomfortable at first, you will feel a sense of expansion and freedom if the message is aligned.

Katya’s readings feel like the most special sleepover party-
cozy, safe and mischievous in the best way.
She channels the spirit of true compassion and joy."
~ Meg Z., Chiropractor

Examples of questions people have asked in a session:

  • I am experiencing lack of clarity and have anxiety about decisions that I have to make.

  • I have love/friend/family relationship issues; I am going through a heartbreak; I am struggling with my emotions.

    How do I bring healing to these areas? What is the next best step? How do I act in my highest good?

  •  I have a creative/financial block; I am at professional/personal growth crossroads; I feel unfulfilled in an area of my life. 
    How do I move through a block? Make a decision that feels aligned with my purpose/sacred path/Soul?  Bring a sense of fulfillment into my life?

  • I have an opportunity for a new creative project that would be demanding it terms of time and energy.

    Should I embark on this new journey?

  • I have been waiting for a love interest to text me, make a plan with me, create some clarity.

    Is there any specific guidance for me about this situation?

  • I am looking for new sources of income.

Are there any helpful insights?


I offer the following 3 types of Live Intuitive Guidance Channeling Sessions via phone/Zoom audio call (no video).

Each session is one hour and costs $160.

Your Choice of Freeform or Preferred Areas of Focus Intuitive Guidance Session

This session is perfect if you are open to receiving general guidance about your life, whether you are having a difficult time or seeking inspiration and a spark of joy. If there is an area of challenge or stagnation that you would like to address, you can also state preferred areas of focus, such as love, finances, family, travel, health, self-care, etc. If more specific questions come up during the session, I am happy to address them.

Intuitive Guidance around Creative Projects and Business

This session is perfect if you are working on or would like to work on a creative project or building a business. You can receive guidance around fine-tuning a creative vision as well as practical next steps and strategy. If you are having any struggles in your work or would like to expand what you are working on, these sessions are invaluable.

Groundwork for Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Well-being

This session is perfect if you are seeking to enhance your quality of life and to feel more connected to your mind, body and spirit. If you are facing specific struggles in areas such as body image challenges, fears and worries, health issues, relationship challenges, loneliness, procrastination, perfectionism etc., this session would be a perfect match. It can also be helpful if you would like to build or deepen your spiritual practice, begin and sustain healthy habits, or cultivate more joy, excitement, love, and delight in your life.

I also offer RECORDED Audio Channeling:

This option is perfect if you have a busy schedule or need a simpler check-in in specific areas. Please check out the “Examples of questions people have asked in a session” section above for some ideas for your questions.

If you do not have any specific questions, I can also do a freeform channeling, where I just open up to receive any guidance that wants to come through for you right now. You can choose either option below (I will go deeper and deliver a longer recording if you choose the higher price version), and just let me know in your message that you want general/freeform guidance.

1-2 questions $80

3-4 questions $100

All readings are completely confidential. Your information will never be shared with anyone.

Policy on lateness and cancellation:  Please, let me know at least the day before our scheduled session if you cannot make the appointment. Understand that when you do not show or inform me ahead of time, I cannot make that time available for another client. 

Disclaimer:  This site is for spiritual purposes only. By participating in my guidance sessions, you acknowledge that I am not a lawyer, licensed psychologist, financial advisor, business consultant or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of attorneys, business consultants, financial advisors, psychologists or other healthcare professionals. Intuitive guidance is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills, and care. However, I cannot guarantee the outcome of intuitive guidance efforts and/or recommendations. I cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the intuitive guidance services purchased as described.


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